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Running Assessment and Coaching

If you have ever watched people running you have probably noticed that everybody runs a little differently, some looking stranger than others. In order to maximise performance and decrease the impact on your body, it will be important to have an efficient and effective running technique.

At Take Control we analyse your running technique using cutting edge video technology so you can see where improvements can be made, and also take you through a full body analysis to see if there are any strength or flexibility issues that may be contributing to your problem. From this we can work on techniques specific to you that address any deficits or technical issues that may be apparent. This will not only decrease loading on your body, particularly in the knees and lower legs, but also increase your running speed and decrease your running time overall.

This assessment is appropriate for the weekend warrior through to the elite runner. If you enjoy running but feel pain is limiting you, or just want to look at ways of improving your efficiency overall, call us now on (02) 9570 7800 or if you have any other questions one of our Running Assessment Clinicians can call you back.

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