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Injuries are an unfortunate part of life, however they should never be allowed to limit you for too long. Our highly skilled and experienced team of Physiotherapists pride themselves on coming up with an accurate diagnosis, and will then take the time with you to map out a complete pathway to recovery using our unique Pain, Protect, Perform model. This can include hands on treatment for pain relief and improved flexibility, highly specific stability and stretching exercises targeted at your injury, and functional strengthening to build power and performance to reach your ultimate goal.

To do this we use a variety of high tech equipment including Real Time Ultrasound, EMG biofeedback and posture analysis tools to ensure you are doing everything correctly, as well as liasing with any other health professionals that may be required to ensure a smooth return to a normal life.

To start your recovery process, call us now on (02) 9570 7800 to book an appointment, or one of our clinicians can call you back if you would like to know more.

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