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Bike Assessment

If you are a keen cyclist you probably already realise that in order to maximise performance and minimise pain and discomfort it is essential your bike is set up correctly for your body.

At Take Control our bike setup differs from a standard shop setup as we take into account the cyclist, their injuries and their interaction with the bike to achieve optimal performance. We know everybody is slightly different in build, flexibility and strength and therefore in order to get the right setup for you, it is important we look at all these issues first. We feel that setting up a bike based only on your height is actually a disservice as often if your flexibility and strength are not taken into account this can lead to abnormal loading on the body, particularly through the lower back, hip and knees that can then end with injury.

Therefore, it is important to not only set up a bike correctly for your body, but also to address any flexibility or strength issues you may have. As a result, at each bike fit, we do a full body assessment to identify these issues, in order to set up the bike appropriately and specifically for you. We then create and provide you with a programme to address any strength and flexibility deficits you may have. This is not only essential for injury recovery and prevention, but also allows you to improve your performance on the bike by becoming a stronger and more efficient rider.

This setup is appropriate for the weekend warrior through to the elite. If you enjoy cycling but feel a bit stiff afterwards, or just want to look at ways of maximising your efficiency on the bike, call us now on (02) 9570 7800 or if you have any other questions one of our Bike Assessment Clinicians can call you back.

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