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“How soon after the birth of my baby can I return to my exercise routine?”

At pre-natal classes one of the burning questions many women in their first pregnancy ask is “How soon after the birth of my baby can I return to my exercise routine?”. 

As a Women’s Health Physiotherapist, this is one of the hardest questions to answer. So I don’t. There is no answer.

Taking into consideration the effects of the pregnancy on your body, the type of delivery, pre-pregnancy fitness levels, post-natal expectations and your support network here are a few points to help you make a plan.

Tips for returning to Sport after you have had your baby:

  • give yourself time!
  • wait for your 6 week check up before starting any group exercise classes
  • start reconnecting with your pelvic floor within 2 days of the delivery
  • aim to build strength slowly over a 16 week period
  • have a post-natal Pelvic Floor and Abdominal check before returning to high impact and higher intensity exercise
  • don’t expect your body to return to it’s “normal” pre-pregnancy state
  • accept that you will have a new normal, a new routine and have to make new goals with your new body and baby

For further help and guidance please CLICK HERE or contact us at Take Control Active Rehab and make an appointment with our Women’s Health Physiotherapist.


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