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Client Information


Are you open ?

Yes, we are still open and take every precaution to stay so for as long as we can?

COVID-19 Info


General FAQ

All existing Questions

Can I get a rebate on from my Health Fund?

We have HICAPS facilities on site that allows for an instant rebate from your Health Fund if they cover Physiotherapy so you only get charged the gap. The amount you get back will depend on who your fund is with and the level of cover you have.

Do I need a referral?

A doctor’s referral is not necessary to see one of our physiotherapists, although frequently your doctor will work in partnership with our physiotherapists to plan and manage treatment for your condition.

Do you accept EPC clients?

If you have an EPC form from your Doctor you will still have to pay for your visit at the front desk however you can claim a portion of this back from Medicare.

Is there parking available?

There is plenty of off street parking available right outside the clinic.

What if I am a Workers Compensation patient?

When you call to make the appointment you must let us know that you are coming through WorkCover and we will contact your insurance company to seek approval for treatment.

Your Appointment

How can I pay?

We accept cash, cheque and EFTPOS payments. We do not accept American Express or Diner’s Club cards.
You can also pay online for Classes 5 & 10 packs in a single payment or as weekly payments.

How long is the appointment?

The initial appointment is an hour in duration and follow up appointments are usually half an hour. Women’s Health appointments are 45 minutes.

What do I need to bring?

Come in clothes that you would be able to exercise in. Also bring along any referrals, X-Rays/scans and reports you may have.

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