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Trish Wisbey-Roth – Physiotherapist


Trish Wisbey-Roth is one of the select group of Australia’s first Specialist Sports Physiotherapists (awarded 2010) and is recognised as a Fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapy. She is a Sports Specialist in the area of lower back, pelvic and hip problems. Trish is known for her expertise in the management and treatment of musculo-skeletal problems with emphasis on spinal stabilisation and functional progression of muscle stability programs (cervical and low-back). A physiotherapist with over 20 years experience, Trish has completed both a Sports Physiotherapy Masters at the AIS Canberra and Post Graduate Manipulative therapy training in the Kaltenbourne/Evyenth system. She became a Titled Sports Physiotherapist in 1999 and has been an Olympic Physiotherapist since 1996 having been involved in both the Commonwealth Games and Olympics.

Trish is a leader in designing and progressing functional stability programs both for the upper body and the lower-back pelvis/hip area. She has pioneered the design of simple and effective, repeatable treatments to optimise the three dimensional biomechanics of the spine. Trish created the BOUNCE Back system of active rehabilitation to enable a simple and effective method of enabling other trained physiotherapists to utilise this effective method of active rehabilitation with their patients. She is currently the Director of both Bounce Back Active Rehabilitation Systems and The Take Control Active Rehabilitation Clinic in Sydney, Australia.

Trish lectures extensively in the areas of diagnosis and rehabilitation of lumbar-pelvic and hip regions with emphasis on simple and effective exercise prescription for both therapist and patient.

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