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Meet The Team

Under the leadership of Clinical lead Kylie-Anne Cosentino and support of Specialist physiotherapist Trish Wisbey-Roth, the passionate and skilled team will help you achieve your goals.

Kylie-Anne Cosentino

Highly skilled in the treatment of Vertigo & dizziness associated with headache and neck pain, longstanding pain and work-related injuries including hip, lower limb and spinal pain.



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Trish Wisbey-Roth

A Specialist Sport and Exercise Physiotherapist Trish providing Expert opinion & multifaceted rehab solution for complex injury presentations addressing all the individuals’ issues


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Beatrice Sidari

Skilled in Headaches, jaw pain, neck pain & Osteoporosis/balance exercise programs. Skilled in Pilates/Functional strength for Osteoarthritic pain, Pre/Post Operative hip, knee & Spinal rehab 


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Ben Behan

Provides sports coverage and skilled in all schools’ sports acute and chronic injuries. Treats soccer Rugby; running; groin; Shoulder; lower limb/foot muscle and joint injuries & strength rehab; 


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Jessica Beachill

Treats child developmental issues, NDIS issues & sporting injuries, acute and growth related. Treatment of shoulder & upper limb pain & build functional strength. Squash & horse-riding injuries.


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Rian Branagan[/caption]

Rian Branagan

Rian has a passion for retraining & regaining functional strength to recover from overuse and sporting injuries.


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Admin Team

Stella Hayes

Bio Coming Soon!

Lee McMahon

Bio Coming Soon!!

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